Why do we need to know the Parts of Speech?
Who cares?
If you understand the basics of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation, you will be become a better speaker and writer. Almost everything you say or write throughout life is critically analyzed by other people. You would be shocked by how many people have never learned the difference between some very basic parts of speech. For instance, they say things like, "I don't want to loose my homework" when in fact they mean they don't want to "lose" their homework. When you get into the working world you WILL be judged on your verbal and written skills. If you cannot put together a sentence, a report, an email, or a business letter without looking like a kid, your chances of being taken seriously are limited. How do you feel trying to understand someone who has just learned English? Now ask yourself how confident you would be if you were doing business with someone and you weren't really sure if they understood your instructions or if you couldn't figure out what they were trying to say when they were asking you to do something? Good English matters. Plain and simple. |
The next page is a Quizlet page. Quizlet is AWESOME for practicing basic and advanced concepts. Usually there is a definition page with virtual "Flashcards," then there's a "Learn" button for practicing, and there's a "Test" to see if you're getting it. Spend some time (at least 10 minutes) practicing the Parts of Speech on the Quizlet page. That will definitely help you when we have quizzes and tests on the Parts of Speech. Maybe it will even help you be taken seriously in the future...