Finding the main idea is kind of like finding cockroaches.

Kind of.

OK, cockroaches are black or brown oval shaped insects with spiny legs and long antennae.  And main ideas are a phrase or sentence that tells basically what something is about.  Um, so cockroaches and main ideas are not alike.

But wait, If you see even one roach, you've undoubtedly got a lot more.  If you've figured out one main idea, you'll figure out many more.  Kind of alike?

The problem with roaches is they generally hide during the day, so if you can't find any of the insects, you have to search for clues.  With the main idea, sometimes it's in the title of a reading passage, but sometimes you have to search for supporting details that point to the main idea.  Now are you starting to see that I'm not totally crazy?  Just a little bit crazy...