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K12 LibreTexts

18.11: Ecosystems- Challenge 2

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1. Marine invertebrates ___.
account for a lot of the ocean's biodiversity
2. Most marine invertebrates live ___.
close to shore
3. Zooplankton are found ___.
near the surface where phytoplankton live and nutrients are abundant
4. Marine decomposers typically live ___.
on the ocean floor
5. Organisms that engage in chemosynthesis get their energy from ___.
6. Zooplankton consume ___.
7. The breakdown of chemicals to produce energy is called ___.
8. A coral reef that surrounds a volcano is an ___.
9. Hydrothermal vents are located in ___.
the deep ocean
10. Marshes have a lot of ___.
reeds and grasses
11. ___ is the study of bodies of freshwater and the organisms that live there.
12. The sloped side of a lake where sunlight penetrates is the ___.
littoral zone

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