2.11: The Consonant Sound [sh]
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Overview of the Consonant Sound [sh]
Sometimes [sh] is spelled <sh>, sometimes <t>, sometimes <c>, sometimes <s>.
You can hear the sound [sh] at the beginning and end of shush.
- Underline the letters that spell [sh].
nationpublishersheepfreshoceanpreventionsureactionshouldoppositionshipmentfishing - In these twelve words
Spelling #1: the sound [sh] is spelled _______ in six words;
Spelling #2: the sound [sh] is spelled _______ in four words;
Spelling #3: the sound [sh] is spelled _______ in one word;
Spelling #4: the sound [sh] is spelled _______ in one word. - Now sort the twelve words into these four groups:
Words with ... Spelling #1 Spelling #2 Spelling #3 Spelling #4 - Four ways of spelling [sh] are _______, _______, _______, and _______. Three ways of spelling [ch] are _______, _______, and _______.
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- nat_ionpublish_ersh_eepfresh_oceanprevent_ions_ureact_ionsh_ouldopposit_ionsh_ipment_fish_ing
In these twelve words
Spelling #1: the sound [sh] is spelled <sh> in six words;
Spelling #2: the sound [sh] is spelled <t> in four words;
Spelling #3: the sound [sh] is spelled <c> in one word;
Spelling #4: the sound [sh] is spelled <s> in one word. -
Words with ... Spelling #1 Spelling #2 Spelling #3 Spelling #4 should nation ocean sure publisher prevention brush opposition shipment action fresh fishing - Four ways of spelling [sh] are <sh>, <t>, <c>, and <s>. Three ways of spelling [ch] are <ch>, <t>, and <tch> .
Spelling [sh]
The three ways of spelling [sh] are <sh>, <ch>, and <sch>. The best known spelling of [sh] is, not too surprisingly, <sh>.
You can hear the sound [sh] at the beginning and end of the word shush.
An example of [sh] spelled <ch> is parachute.
An example of [sh] spelled <sch> is schwa.
- Underline the letters that spell [sh] in the following words.
- Sort the words into these two groups.
Words with [sh] spelled <sh> at the... front of an element end of an element shepherdess nourish shoulder selfish horseshoe distinguish kinship accomplished shrieked publisher shocking vanish aftershock shudder sheriff friendship - One common spelling of [sh] is _______, which usually comes at the _______ or at the _______ of an element.
- The following words contain two other spellings of [sh] that are not so common as <sh>. Eleven of the words contain [sh] spelled Way #1, and four words contain [sh] spelled Way #2. Underline the letters that spell [sh] in each word.
- Sort the words above into the two different groups described below.
- Three ways to spell [sh] are _______, _______, and ________.
chivalry | chaperon | schlemiel |
crochet | schwa | machine |
schnook | champagne | chauffeur |
parachute | mustache | pistachio |
chagrin | schlock | nonchalant |
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- sh_epherdesshorsesh_oeaccomplish_edsh_eriffnourish_kinsh_ipsh_ockingfriendsh_ipselfish_sh_riekedaftersh_ockpublish_ersh_oulderdistinguish_sh_uddervanish_
Words with [sh] spelled <sh> at the... front of an element end of an element shepherdess nourish shoulder selfish horseshoe distinguish kinship accomplished shrieked publisher shocking vanish aftershock shudder sheriff friendship - One common spelling of [sh] is <sh>, which usually comes at the front or at the end of an element.
- ch_ivalrych_aperonsch_lemielcroch_etsch_wamach_inesch_nookch_ampagnech_auffeurparach_utemustach_epistach_ioch_agrinsch_locknonch_alant
Words with [sh] spelled... Way#1 Way #2 chivalry mustache schnook crochet machine schwa parachute chauffeur schlock chagrin pistachio schlemiel chaperon nonchalant champagne -
Three ways to spell [sh] are <sh>, <ch>, and <sch>.
[sh] Spelled <t>
Although we usually think of <sh> as the way [sh] is spelled, actually it is most often spelled <t>.
The letter <t> never spells [sh] at the beginning or end of a word. It only spells [sh] somewhere in the middle. In fact, <t> only spells [sh] right at the boundary between the stem and a suffix, always.
You can see and hear [sh] spelled <t> in the middle of the word nation.
- In some of the following words [sh] is spelled <t>; in some it is spelled differently. Underline the letters that are spelling [sh] in each word.
educationalpresidentialprescriptionaccommodationimpatienceinitialrepetitionfractionindicationpossessioninventionsdimensionexpressionquotationexclamationaffectionatelymissionariesextensionsubtractiondeletion - Sort the words into these two groups.
is spelled <t> is not spelled <t> - The <t> spelling of [sh] is very common, but it only occurs in a certain place in a word. Here are a number of words that contain <t>. Sometimes the <t> spells [sh]; sometimes it does not. In the column labeled ‘<t> spells’ write out the sound that <t> spells in each word, as we have done with judgement and partial.
Words <t> spells Words <t> spells Words <t> spells judgement [t] mustache association partial [sh] conventional technical affection initial proportion traffic nonchalant examination nation extension reception impatience incorrect deletion educated education appreciation - Sort the words from question #3 into this matrix.
spells [sh] does not spell [sh] Words with the <t> at the front or the end Words with the <t> in the middle - In the words in this matrix, does the letter <t> ever spell the sound [sh] at the front or at the end of a word? _______.
- Whenever <t> spells [sh], where is it in the word? _______.
- Show Answer
- educat_ionalpresident_ialprescript_ionaccommodat_ionimpat_ienceinit_ialrepetit_ionfract_ionindicat_ionpossess_ioninvent_ionsdimens_ionexpress_ionquot_at_ionexclamat_ionaffect_ionat_elymiss_ionariesext_ensionsubtract_iondelet_ion
Words in which [sh]... is spelled <t> is not spelled <t> educational inventions expression impatience exclamation missionaries indication subtraction possession presidential accommodation extension initial fraction dimension quotation affectionately prescription deletion repetition -
Words <t> spells Words <t> spells Words <t> spells judgement [t] mustache [t] association [sh] partial [sh] conventional [sh] technical [t] affection [sh] initial [sh] proportion [sh] traffic [t] onchalant [t] examination [sh] nation [sh] extension [t] reception [sh] impatience [sh] incorrect [t] deletion [sh] educated [t] education [sh] appreciation [sh] -
Words in which <t> ... spells [sh] does not spell [sh] Words with the <t> at the front or the end judgement
Words with the <t> in the middle partial
- In the words in this matrix does the letter <t> ever spell the sound [sh] at the front or at the end of a word? No.
- Whenever <t> spells [sh], where is it in the word? In the middle.
[sh] Spelled <c>, <sc>, <ss>, and <s>
The eight ways of spelling [sh] are <sh>, <ch>, <sch>, <t>, <c>, <s>, <sc> and <ss>.
Those spellings of [sh] that are always followed by an unstressed <i> and another unstressed vowel are <t>, <c>, <s>, <sc>, and <ss>.
<c> | <s> | <ss> | <sc> |
official | dimension | succession | conscience |
- Underline the letters that spell [sh] in the following words.
expressionofficialdimensionconsciencesocialsuspicioussuccessionmissionaryconsciouslyfinancialelectricianpossessionracialintermissionapprehensionspecificallyextensionsuspensionsufficientlymansion - Sort the words into these four groups.
Words with [sh] spelled... <c> <s> <ss> <sc> - When [sh] is spelled <s>, <c>, <sc>, or <ss>, are the next two letters always vowels or consonants or what? _______.
- What letter always comes right after the <s>, <c>, <sc>, or <ss>? _______.
- Do the vowels after the <s>, <c>, <sc>, or <ss> have weak stress or heavy stress? _______.
- There is one more spelling of [sh]. Underline the letters that spell [sh] in these words.
sugarassuredinsurancefissurepressureissuetissuecensuresureIn these words (and pretty much these words only), [sh] is spelled <s> or <ss> with no <i> or second vowel following. - In these words what letter always comes after the <s> or <ss>? _______.
- What letter almost always comes after that one? _______.
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- express_ionoffic_ialdimens_ionconsc_iencesoc_ialsuspic_ioussuccess_ionmiss_ionaryconsc_iouslyfinanc_ialelectrici_anpossess_ionraci_alintermiss_ionapprehens_ionspeci_ficallyextens_ionsuspens_ionsuffici_entlymans_ion
Words with [sh] spelled... <c> <s> <ss> <sc> social extension expression consciously racial suspension intermission conscience official dimension succession suspicious apprehension missionary financial mansion possession electrician sufficiently specially - When [sh] is spelled <s> <c>, <sc>, or <ss>, are the next two letters always vowels or consonants or what? Always vowels.
- What letter always comes right after the <s> ,<c>, <sc>, or <ss>? <i>.
- Do the vowels after the <s>, <c>, <sc>, or <ss> have weak stress or heavy stress? Weak.
- There is one more spelling of [sh]. Underline the letters that spell [sh] in these words.
s_ugarass_uredins_urancefiss_urepress_ureiss_uetiss_uecens_ures_ureIn these words (and pretty much these words only), [sh] is spelled <s> or <ss> with no <i> or second vowel following. - In these words what letter almost always comes after the <s> or <ss>? <u>.
- What letter almost always comes after that one? <r>.
Explore More
In each of the following pairs of words the <t>, <c>, <s>, <ss>, and <sc> sometimes spell [sh] and sometimes do not. Be ready to discuss why they do not spell [sh] in those words in which they do not.