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2.11: The Consonant Sound [sh]

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Overview of the Consonant Sound [sh]

Sometimes [sh] is spelled <sh>, sometimes <t>, sometimes <c>, sometimes <s>.


You can hear the sound [sh] at the beginning and end of shush.


  1. Underline the letters that spell [sh].
  2. In these twelve words
    Spelling #1: the sound [sh] is spelled _______ in six words;
    Spelling #2: the sound [sh] is spelled _______ in four words;
    Spelling #3: the sound [sh] is spelled _______ in one word;
    Spelling #4: the sound [sh] is spelled _______ in one word.
  3. Now sort the twelve words into these four groups:
    Words with ...
    Spelling #1 Spelling #2 Spelling #3 Spelling #4
  4. Four ways of spelling [sh] are _______, _______, _______, and _______. Three ways of spelling [ch] are _______, _______, and _______.
Show Answer
  1. nat_ionpublish_ersh_eepfresh_oceanprevent_ions_ureact_ionsh_ouldopposit_ionsh_ipment_fish_ing
  2. In these twelve words
    Spelling #1: the sound [sh] is spelled <sh> in six words;
    Spelling #2: the sound [sh] is spelled <t> in four words;
    Spelling #3: the sound [sh] is spelled <c> in one word;
    Spelling #4: the sound [sh] is spelled <s> in one word.

  3. Words with ...
    Spelling #1 Spelling #2 Spelling #3 Spelling #4
    should nation ocean sure
    publisher prevention    
    brush opposition    
    shipment action    
  4. Four ways of spelling [sh] are <sh><t><c>, and <s>. Three ways of spelling [ch] are <ch><t>, and <tch> .

Spelling [sh]

The three ways of spelling [sh] are <sh>, <ch>, and <sch>. The best known spelling of [sh] is, not too surprisingly, <sh>.


You can hear the sound [sh] at the beginning and end of the word shush.

An example of [sh] spelled <ch> is parachute.

An example of [sh] spelled <sch> is schwa.


  1. Underline the letters that spell [sh] in the following words.
  2. shepherdesshorseshoeaccomplishedsheriffnourishkinshipshockingfriendshipselfishshriekedaftershockpublishershoulderdistinguishshuddervanish
  3. Sort the words into these two groups.
    Words with [sh] spelled <sh> at the...
    front of an element end of an element
    shepherdess nourish
    shoulder selfish
    horseshoe distinguish
    kinship accomplished
    shrieked publisher
    shocking vanish
  4. One common spelling of [sh] is _______, which usually comes at the _______ or at the _______ of an element.
  5. The following words contain two other spellings of [sh] that are not so common as <sh>. Eleven of the words contain [sh] spelled Way #1, and four words contain [sh] spelled Way #2. Underline the letters that spell [sh] in each word.
  6. chivalrychaperonschlemielcrochetschwamachineschnookchampagnechauffeurparachutemustachepistachiochagrinschlocknonchalant
    chivalry chaperon schlemiel
    crochet schwa machine
    schnook champagne chauffeur
    parachute mustache pistachio
    chagrin schlock nonchalant
  7. Sort the words above into the two different groups described below.
  8. Three ways to spell [sh] are _______, _______, and ________.
Show Answer
  1. sh_epherdesshorsesh_oeaccomplish_edsh_eriffnourish_kinsh_ipsh_ockingfriendsh_ipselfish_sh_riekedaftersh_ockpublish_ersh_oulderdistinguish_sh_uddervanish_
  2. Words with [sh] spelled <sh> at the...
    front of an element end of an element
    shepherdess nourish
    shoulder selfish
    horseshoe distinguish
    kinship accomplished
    shrieked publisher
    shocking vanish
  3. One common spelling of [sh] is <sh>, which usually comes at the front or at the end of an element.
  4. ch_ivalrych_aperonsch_lemielcroch_etsch_wamach_inesch_nookch_ampagnech_auffeurparach_utemustach_epistach_ioch_agrinsch_locknonch_alant
  5. Words with [sh] spelled...
    Way#1 Way #2
    chivalry mustache schnook
    crochet machine schwa
    parachute chauffeur schlock
    chagrin pistachio schlemiel
    chaperon nonchalant  
  6. Three ways to spell [sh] are <sh><ch>, and <sch>.

[sh] Spelled <t>

Although we usually think of <sh> as the way [sh] is spelled, actually it is most often spelled <t>.

The letter <t> never spells [sh] at the beginning or end of a word. It only spells [sh] somewhere in the middle. In fact, <t> only spells [sh] right at the boundary between the stem and a suffix, always.


You can see and hear [sh] spelled <t> in the middle of the word nation


  1. In some of the following words [sh] is spelled <t>; in some it is spelled differently. Underline the letters that are spelling [sh] in each word.
  2. Sort the words into these two groups.
    is spelled <t> is not spelled <t>
  3. The <t> spelling of [sh] is very common, but it only occurs in a certain place in a word. Here are a number of words that contain <t>. Sometimes the <t> spells [sh]; sometimes it does not. In the column labeled ‘<t> spells’ write out the sound that <t> spells in each word, as we have done with judgement and partial.
    Words <t> spells Words <t> spells Words <t> spells
    judgement [t] mustache   association  
    partial [sh] conventional   technical  
    affection   initial   proportion  
    traffic   nonchalant   examination  
    nation   extension   reception  
    impatience   incorrect   deletion  
    educated   education   appreciation  
  4. Sort the words from question #3 into this matrix.
      spells [sh] does not spell [sh]
    Words with the <t> at the front or the end    
    Words with the <t> in the middle    
  5. In the words in this matrix, does the letter <t> ever spell the sound [sh] at the front or at the end of a word? _______.
  6. Whenever <t> spells [sh], where is it in the word? _______.
Show Answer
  1. educat_ionalpresident_ialprescript_ionaccommodat_ionimpat_ienceinit_ialrepetit_ionfract_ionindicat_ionpossess_ioninvent_ionsdimens_ionexpress_ionquot_at_ionexclamat_ionaffect_ionat_elymiss_ionariesext_ensionsubtract_iondelet_ion
  2. Words in which [sh]...
    is spelled <t> is not spelled <t>
    educational inventions expression
    impatience exclamation missionaries
    indication subtraction possession
    presidential accommodation extension
    initial fraction dimension
    quotation affectionately  
    prescription deletion  
  3. Words <t> spells Words <t> spells Words <t> spells
    judgement [t] mustache [t] association [sh]
    partial [sh] conventional [sh] technical [t]
    affection [sh] initial [sh] proportion [sh]
    traffic [t] onchalant [t] examination [sh]
    nation [sh] extension [t] reception [sh]
    impatience [sh] incorrect [t] deletion [sh]
    educated [t] education [sh] appreciation [sh]
  4. Words in which <t> ...
      spells [sh] does not spell [sh]
    Words with the <t> at the front or the end  






    Words with the <t> in the middle
















  5. In the words in this matrix does the letter <t> ever spell the sound [sh] at the front or at the end of a word? No.
  6. Whenever <t> spells [sh], where is it in the word? In the middle.

[sh] Spelled <c>, <sc>, <ss>, and <s>

The eight ways of spelling [sh] are <sh>, <ch>, <sch>, <t>, <c>, <s>, <sc> and <ss>.

Those spellings of [sh] that are always followed by an unstressed <i> and another unstressed vowel are <t>, <c>, <s>, <sc>, and <ss>.


<c> <s> <ss> <sc>
official       dimension  succession conscience


  1. Underline the letters that spell [sh] in the following words.
  2. Sort the words into these four groups.
    Words with [sh] spelled...
    <c> <s> <ss> <sc>
    Look carefully at your four groups of words and answer the following questions.
  3. When [sh] is spelled <s>, <c>, <sc>, or <ss>, are the next two letters always vowels or consonants or what? _______.
  4. What letter always comes right after the <s>, <c>, <sc>, or <ss>? _______.
  5. Do the vowels after the <s>, <c>, <sc>, or <ss> have weak stress or heavy stress? _______.
  6. There is one more spelling of [sh]. Underline the letters that spell [sh] in these words.
    sugarassuredinsurancefissurepressureissuetissuecensuresureIn these words (and pretty much these words only), [sh] is spelled <s> or <ss> with no <i> or second vowel following.
  7. In these words what letter always comes after the <s> or <ss>? _______.
  8. What letter almost always comes after that one? _______.
Show Answer
  1. express_ionoffic_ialdimens_ionconsc_iencesoc_ialsuspic_ioussuccess_ionmiss_ionaryconsc_iouslyfinanc_ialelectrici_anpossess_ionraci_alintermiss_ionapprehens_ionspeci_ficallyextens_ionsuspens_ionsuffici_entlymans_ion
  2. Words with [sh] spelled...
    <c> <s> <ss> <sc>
    social extension expression consciously
    racial suspension intermission conscience
    official dimension succession  
    suspicious apprehension missionary  
    financial mansion possession  
  3. When [sh] is spelled <s> <c>, <sc>, or <ss>, are the next two letters always vowels or consonants or what? Always vowels.
  4. What letter always comes right after the <s> ,<c>, <sc>, or <ss>? <i>.
  5. Do the vowels after the <s>, <c>, <sc>, or <ss> have weak stress or heavy stress? Weak.
  6. There is one more spelling of [sh]. Underline the letters that spell [sh] in these words.
    s_ugarass_uredins_urancefiss_urepress_ureiss_uetiss_uecens_ures_ureIn these words (and pretty much these words only), [sh] is spelled <s> or <ss> with no <i> or second vowel following.
  7. In these words what letter almost always comes after the <s> or <ss>? <u>.
  8. What letter almost always comes after that one? <r>.

Explore More

In each of the following pairs of words the <t>, <c>, <s>, <ss>, and <sc> sometimes spell [sh] and sometimes do not. Be ready to discuss why they do not spell [sh] in those words in which they do not.


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